Concrete is the most commonly used building material for houses. Due to their high storage mass, concrete houses have excellent heat storage behavior and, in combination with heat insulation,
The high thermal capacity offers protection from summer overheating. The interior plaster means there is little fluctuation of the inner surface temperature. Due to its interior plaster, house 1 has a much higher moisture penetration coefficient than house 2. The substantial improvement in the moisture buffering caused by this was also verified experimentally with the research houses.
House description
Wall material: Concrete
Wall thickness: 18 cm
Inner plaster: -
Inner coating (paint): -
Insulation: -
Insulation thickness: 20 cm
Building phisycal parameters
Protection against overheating in the summer
Heat storage
Moisture buffering
Fluctuation of the inner surface temperature
phisycal parameters
Sound proofing
Room acoustics
Absorption of high frequency electromagnetic fields
*Nospiežot šo pogu, jūs piekrītat izmantot šeit norādītās sīkdatnes
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